Sunday, February 26, 2012

DIY Soap

Today I did Honey and Almond soap. It has turned out good. I really like the smell of it.

1 4oz bar of soap grated like cheese

1/2 gallon of water

2 tablespoons of liquid glycerin

A large stock pot to hold this in

Melt the grated soap in the water and glycerin on medium heat. When the soap is melted it will look like cloudy soapy water. If you want to add dyes or essential oils now is the time

Let the soap set for 10-12 hours

After the soap has set for 10-12 hrs get an  electric hand mixer and mix until you have the consistency of liquid soap. I added some water while mixing.

I let my soap set in the pot over night and when I woke up this morning it reminded me of white snot. This is normal.  I put mine in 3 pint mason jars and an old lemonade container. Now you have your own soap.

Sorry there is no pictures to this, I forgot to take them last night.

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